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Answers to the ZooYUMtastic Veggie Recipe and Mystery Book:

ZooYUMtastic Clue 8

ZooYUMtastic Clue 1

What fruit did Siggy run off with? apple

ZooYUMtastic Clue 2
What curly dark green veggie did Ziggy grab? kale

What fruit did Rory rescue? strawberries

What recipe does Rory need to cross off his list? Mandrill Monkey Tails

ZooYUMtastic Clue 3
What odd veggie did Siggy kick into the lake? broccoflower

What recipe do the ZooYumtastic kids need to cross off their list? Camel HUMPS

ZooYUMtastic Clue 4
What veggie was Bowsie juggling? peppers

ZooYUMtastic Clue 5
What recipe do the ZooYUMtastic kids need to cross off their list?
Ostrich Necks

What sliced red fruit with little seeds did Ziggy take? strawberries

ZooYUMtastic Clue 6
What recipe does Rory need to cross off their list?
Turtle Snappers

ZooYUMtastic Clue 7
What type of potato did Siggy bite?
sweet potato

What recipes does Bowsie need to cross off the list?
1. Mini Polar Bear Paws
2. Sweet Otter Totters
. Hungry Hippo Scoops

What is the remaining recipe the besties have ingredients to make?  
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Here's the order of the clues by recipes:

1. Mini Polar Bear Paws - starting clue 
2. Sweet Otter Totters
3. Rattesnake Shake Up
4. Hungry Hippo Scoops
5. Mandrill Monkey Tails
6. Camel Humps
7. Ostrich Necks


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