The BowWOWtastic Doggy Biscuit
Stand Project
The BowWOWtastic Doggy Biscuit and
Bandana Stand
is all about
empowering 8-12 year olds to
raise funds for the animal rescue group of their choice by:
Baking and Decorating Doggy Biscuits
Pulling it all together to build a BowWOWtastic Doggy Biscuit
and Bandana Stand
At the 60 minute presentation,
tweens will learn how to:
Build their
doggy biscuit stand from crates
Organize their fundraising process
Determine how to select a credible organization for donations
Have fun and learn how to create simple items to sell for their
Teachers - here's a simple lesson plan you can use
It's easy to
Build a Doggy Biscuit Stand.
Start with a great recipe and
decorate your PAWSOME into doggy biscuit bags. Make
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Barkers OR very
Veggie Doggie Biscuits,
just to name a few!
Hey, that's how Stella, Annie and Bowsie started
with their doggy biscuit stand in
Diary 1. |
An ordinary doggy biscuit is
just ... well ... ordinary. Make your biscuits
cupcakeworthy with BowWOWtastic decorating.
That's what Bowsie organized - a class JUST for
decorating cupcakes...but Bowsie, Stella, and Annie
decorated doggy biscuits and their bags in
you can sew a doggy bandana in five minutes, but how
do you BLING your bandana into IRRESISTABLE?
DellaVella of course, has some blingworthy ideas.
Annie, Bowsie, and Stella ALWAYS sell goo gads of
bandanas at their FurRaisers in all their
Oh, don't forget Sammy's BowTie!! ADORABLE!!!
said you only have to make items for dogs? Have a
bestie craft party and make bracelets and other
items your BFFs can't resist.
girl Melanie made outrageous bracelets and sold them
as a FurRaiser ... well that's a whole other story
you GOTTA read about in
And why are hair accessories just for 2-leggers?
BowWOW out your scrunchies and small hair claws for
doggytastic hair doos.
looked adorable in her little hair doo at the Pooch
Wash and Paw Polish in
Diary 2!!
Let's get going!
Register for the next BowWOWtastic Doggy Biscuit
Stand Project!! |
Before you start on
your FurRaiser, check out
Stella DellaVella’s Helpful Hints for FurRaising.
There are soooo many ideas
in Stella DellaVella's
3 Hungry Dogs FurRaiser Kit. Take a