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WITCH  HOWLOWEEN Dog Collar do YOU want to make?
YOUR dog collar with YOUR personality.



Howloween Bling
Howloween Doggy Collar


Howloween Doggy Collar

Howloween Doggy Collar

Wow!  Your collar is blingy and you didn't have to sew ANYTHING!!

Your friends LUV shopping with you and TOTALLY watch what YOU buy at the mall.  You always have OUTRAGEOUS scarves, the BEST earrings and perfectly polished NEON nails.

Instead of just a hair trim at the salon, you go for 'the new look'and ALWAYS look great.

You are a free spirit with googads of personality. 

Your dog has an outrageous groom going on, is always dressed (especially in a Halloween costume), may even wear YOUR NEON nail polish, and definitely has feathers in its fur.

Instead of making just 1 project, you find out how easy it is to make and then YOU make oodles for your friends and their doggy friends. 

You JUST GO FOR IT then deal with the consequences later.

BTW, you can 'talk' to animals and they listen because they TOTALLY GET YOU!




Your collar looks like it took forever to make, but you know the truth - it took 30 minutes MAX.

You can put together the BEST outfits with your EYES SHUT!!!

You are adventurous and like to try new things but are cautious.   You investigate FIRST and then GO FOR IT!

You like pastel nail polish - all colors -for that touch of bling.  If you get a new hairstyle, you have a picture  for your hair stylist to follow and YOU THINK about it BEFORE you GO FOR IT!

You are the GO TO GIRL for advice on what to wear on 'a date with your crush.'

Your friends LUV to spend time with you and you'll help them make a dog collar for their favorite 4 paw barker. 

Your dog is  soooo well behaved because you are an AWESOME dog trainer.  Your dog is the one at doggy day care sitting at the top of the slide watching all the other dogs misbehave. OMG!!

Dogs LUV you because you always have time to rub their tummies and scratch behind their ears.  



Your doggy collar has all kind of layers and bling going on.  It took a lot of thought and organization.

You are a dependable friend and the 'go to' girl for all your friends' problems.

You like to organize fun activities.  If a group wants to go to the movies - you ORGANIZE IT!!!

If it's a worthy cause, you GO FOR IT and lead the Fundraiser or as Stella DellaVella calls it - the FUNRaiser!

You love to make items from scratch and are TOTALLY CREATIVE and fun to be around.!  

Your friends BEG you for one of YOUR ORIGINALS for their B-DAY present. And their dogs DOUBLE BEG you for your outrageous yummy doggy treats.  Wags, Wiggles and YIPS as Daisy says!!! You are a great baker.

Your friends think you will WITHOUT A DOUBT, IT'S A FACT, become a TOP contestant on  Project Runway.

Dogs Luv you because you ALWAYS have hidden treats in your pocket that YOU JUST MADE!!!

WHO DOES THIS SOUND LIKE? (Hint...Stella DellaVella!)

Elastic covered with netting

Cut netting into strips and just tie on the elastic.  It's THAT easy! BUT OH SO BLINGY!!!

Click here for directions.

Halloween Material with 3 layers of colored netting 

Sew netting to Halloween material for a Classic but OH SO DIVINE GhOsTaCUlaR Halloween Collar.

Click here for directions.

Material with 2-3 layers of ribbon, material, and netting. 

Take FUN to the MAX and see what YOU can come up with.  Make this one YOUR very OWN creation with WHATEVER you have around.  It's SPoOKTaStIC!!

Click here for directions.



Copyright © 2014-2017 Susan Patton
3 Hungry Dogs™ Diaries